I'm getting close to finishing the rough framing. All I have left is a small column to cover the unused shower drain and the projector screen false wall. Here are a few more photos.

This is the cover for the main drain stack and a telepost. It was kind of annoying having those two pretty much in the middle of the home theatre room. I contemplated other options like complete walls but I didn't want to carve up the space like that. So I settled for a large column.

This is that same column attached to the framing that covers the main HVAC ducts. Those horizontal spars are about 4 feet long. Attaching them by myself was tricky. I made myself a little hook with some scrap lumber. I'd slip it around one of those "ladder" like structures and hang one end of the spar on it and screw in the other end. Then I'd move around to the other side, slide the hook out of the way and screw in that end.

That'll pretty much be it for the rough framing photos. Pictures don't quite capture how much work has been done but I'll have one more photo of the false wall that I'll be building to support the projector screen. After that, I'll be getting into the plumbing and electrical.