Monday, July 7, 2008

The First Setback

I set out as usual to get some work done this weekend and discovered that the battery charger for my drill had died. So one battery was completely dead and I was able to get one use out the other battery. Fortunately, I was able to source a replacement charger but won't have time to pick it up until next weekend. In the meantime, I can switch gears and work on the other components.

I successfully got a TV tuner card to work in the HTPC. The only uncertainty there was that the HTPC is running XP Embedded and I wasn't sure if all the necessary software components were present to allow the card to work. Now with this working, I can watch TV on the big screen if I want. I may use this to send video to the living room TV and/or the exercise room TV. This will mean I would only have to get one HD terminal if I ever decide to upgrade my cable to HD.