Sunday, September 21, 2008

The House Is Still Standing. Go Figure....

I decided to take advantage of the warm weather on Sunday to put a 4 inch hole through the side of the house for the basement washroom exhaust vent. I started drilling from inside to discover that the drill bit wouldn't go deep enough. Now, no guy wants to discover that their tool isn't long enough so, feeling rather deflated, I went to Home Depot to find a solution for my small problem. Twenty minutes later, I was back in business. Using both a wood bit and a masonry bit to get through the stucco, I was able to bore a hole big enough for the exhaust vent. I installed a vent hood and sealed it with caulking. After all that, the house didn't fall down. So, I guess I did it right.

Aside from that I managed to complete the wiring for four more circuits. Just one more to go and then I can install the circuit breakers.